What can you do with an old PC?

Don’t be so quick to dump that old computer! Despite being slow and clunky, your old desktop or laptop may still add value to your business. There are many uses for old PC hardware, and here are five of them.
Make a NAS server
Network-attached storage (NAS) is a server for your small business network that lets you store files that need to be shared with all the computers on the network.

Save on electricity with these PC tips

There’s a computer in almost every home and office nowadays. A typical desktop that’s switched on 24/7 for a whole year releases carbon dioxide equivalent to what an average car releases in an 820-mile drive. To save energy, you don’t need to make drastic changes; you can start by making small adjustments that will ultimately lead to significant savings.

Great uses for an old computer

If your PC has been struggling to perform all the tasks you have at hand, we completely understand why you would be itching for a new one, or even if you’ve already replaced it with the latest model. But even if it’s old, sluggish, and always crashing, your old desktop or laptop may still prove to be useful.

What to do with your dinosaur PC?

Do you still have old PCs and laptops lying around somewhere? If you’re thinking about finally trashing them, don’t! Despite being big, slow, and prone to crashes, you can still make good use out of your old computer.

You might have to do some light upgrades like install more RAM and a bigger hard drive, depending on how old your PC is, but it’ll be worth it.