Hosted Exchange
Seamlessly transition to the cloud
Hosted Exchange is built on the same technology as Exchange Server 2010, giving your business the latest capabilities such as built-in archiving, optional Conversation View, MailTips, and powerful Web-based management tools for online deployments.
With Hosted Exchange from BlueRock, you’ll never have to worry about the ongoing maintenance, patches, and upgrades of your technology infrastructure – so you can focus on what really matters.
The features and benefits of Hosted Exchange business solutions from BlueRock and Microsoft include:
- Storage and speed – you get 25 GB mailboxes that can send attachments as large as 25 MB
- 99% uptime – financially-backed and guaranteed service
- 24/7 support – via telephone, the Web or email
- Anti-virus and anti-spam – reliable, industry-leading security solutions
- Disaster recovery – from third-party certified geo-redundant data centers that continuously replicate your data
- Robust management tools – easily control distribution lists, user permissions and security policies
- A familiar user experience – enjoy a minimal learning curve with software and programs you already know from Microsoft, including Outlook and Office
- Seamless integration – Hosted Exchange is interoperable with your PC, Mac, BlackBerry, Android, Windows Phone, iPhone, Nokia and all major Web browsers