Businesses have a lot to worry about, and disaster recovery (DR) is often one of their top concerns. Unfortunately, many business owners are misled by misinformation and so end up not implementing the right precautionary measures to protect their data.
Debunking the 3 biggest myths about disaster recovery
Don’t believe these disaster recovery myths

With advancements in cloud computing, disaster recovery (DR) has become more efficient and affordable than ever. However, many business owners still cling to some DR myths that can safely be disregarded, such as these three.
Myth 1: Tape backups are the best DR solution
Tape backups are physical objects that deteriorate over time.
3 Disaster recovery myths, debunked
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Disaster recovery myths you can dismiss

With advancements in cloud computing, disaster recovery (DR) has become more efficient and affordable than ever. But many business owners still cling to DR myths that can safely be ignored. If you’re uncertain as to how DR has changed and are ready for an update, here are some myths that you ought to ignore.
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3 Disaster Recovery myths

With technology changing so rapidly, it’s easy to get caught up in outdated beliefs. And when it comes to Disaster Recovery, far too often do we see business owners still clinging to ideas that no longer apply. So, what kind of DR myths are still widely accepted by the masses? Here are three that need to be retired into IT folklore.