Healthcare organizations face a unique set of challenges when it comes to managing patient appointments. From scheduling conflicts to last-minute cancellations, managing appointments can be a time-consuming and frustrating task for both patients and healthcare providers.
Transform your healthcare practice with online scheduling
How online scheduling solutions can help your healthcare business
The key to being a successful healthcare company — aside from providing great patient care — is getting the logistics and organization components of operations down to a fine art. You can accomplish this with the help of a reliable online scheduling solution.
5 Ways systems can be breached
From attacks on mobile devices to ever-increasing types of malware, cybersecurity has never been more challenging. One of the best ways to stay protected is to be aware of cybersecurity threats. To that end, here are five common ways your IT systems can be broken into.
Protect your business data in the cloud
Despite its enhanced security features, cloud computing isn’t 100% safe from data breaches. A small- or medium-sized business still needs to be proactive in making sure their data is secure in the cloud. The following tips will help tighten cloud data security.
Signs you have weak enterprise security
As cyberthreats become more sophisticated, many businesses need to prioritize cybersecurity more than ever. But are you sure that your security measures are keeping your enterprise IT assets safe? Here are five signs that they may not be effective.
Open wireless networks
With just one main internet line and a couple of wireless routers, an entire office can get online.
Security audits are more crucial than they seem
Businesses should take every precaution when it comes to data and network protection. Leverage the capabilities of a competent IT partner by augmenting their round-the-clock oversight and regularly update protocols with timely security audits.
Auditing and the security strategy
Audits are necessary to maintain system integrity and uphold quality.
Secure your data in the cloud
Data breaches are a common occurrence in today’s business environment. While many businesses have turned to cloud apps for better productivity, scalability, and savings, some worry that the cloud is more vulnerable to data breaches than an on-premises data center.
Ways Office 365 migrations fail
Microsoft is working hard to ensure that its popular cloud-based productivity suite Office 365 is constantly being improved. Because of the great products and support offered, businesses are starting to shift to the platform. If you're considering moving to Office 365, you should be aware of five factors that can affect the migration process.
How CRM boosts business revenue
There are several factors that contribute to a business’s success, such as a good location, quality products and services, and a well-planned marketing strategy. But one important component that every company should have is a reliable customer relationship management (CRM) system.
Fix these enterprise security flaws now
As the number of cybersecurity threats increases, many business owners have no recourse but make cybersecurity a priority. But how does one know if your security measures are actually keeping your enterprise IT assets safe? Here are five ways you can tell if your security isn’t sufficient.