Fileless malware: The invisible threat

To avoid detection by anti-malware programs, cybercriminals are increasingly abusing legitimate software tools and programs installed on computers to initiate attacks. They use fileless malware to infiltrate trusted applications and issue executables that blend in with normal network traffic, IT processes, and system administration tasks while leaving fewer footprints.

How to protect company mobile devices

Cybersecurity has long been paramount for businesses that utilize digital solutions, but it’s even more necessary for today's distributed workforces. As cloud and mobile technologies continue to prove their value amid a public health crisis, it’s important that you take proactive steps to manage and protect company mobile devices.

Watch out for this Android malware

Security researchers have discovered a new Android malware called DEFENSOR ID that snuck its way into the Google Play Store. Forensic analysis shows that the malware takes advantage of an Android device’s Accessibility Services to infiltrate the system and cause damage without being detected.

How to work from home securely

Working from home increases employee autonomy, cuts costs, and ensures the health and safety of the company during the coronavirus pandemic. The problem is, it also increases the likelihood of security breaches since employees are working outside the company's security perimeter.