Protecting your business printers from malicious cyberattacks may be the last thing on your mind, but it should definitely not be. Hackers are always looking for new vulnerabilities to exploit, and, if left unprotected, printer systems can offer a trouble-free gateway into vast troves of sensitive data.
Don’t overlook your business printers’ security
Printer security tips to prevent cyberattacks against your business
It’s easy to overlook printers when implementing a cybersecurity strategy, as they may seem safe from cyberattacks. But in reality, many hackers these days exploit certain printer vulnerabilities to gather information about businesses or even infiltrate their systems without anyone noticing.
Save on printing costs with these 5 tips
Your growing printing expenditures may be the result of overdependence on paper files, the lack of an effective printing workflow, or obsolete printers. With some fresh ideas, clever problem-solving, and the following tips, you could significantly cut down your printing budget.
How to protect your business printers from hackers
When it comes to cybersecurity, you probably think of protecting computers, apps, or online databases first and printers last. Precisely because they’re overlooked in, printers can be exploited by hackers and used as a gateway to infiltrate your systems.
Decrease printing costs in 5 easy ways
You may think that your printing expenses aren't a major concern. But if they're not managed well, you may end up with a bloated IT budget that's mostly comprised of hardware, supply purchases, and equipment maintenance costs. Your business can save money and time by following these five tips.
Save on printing costs with these 5 tips
You may think that your printing infrastructure is only a minimal company expense. But if it is not managed well, you may end up with a bloated IT budget that mostly comprises of hardware and supplies purchases and equipment maintenance costs. Your business can save money and time by following these 5 tips.
5 Simple ways to cut your printing costs
You can easily lower your IT budget by better managing your print infrastructure. It sounds too good to be true, but it’s totally doable. Companies big and small follow inefficient printing models without even realizing it, but you can break the mold by following these tips:
Replace outdated printers
Outdated and cheap printers may be functional, but they are putting a huge dent in your IT budget.