How to Boost Productivity in 2016

None of us sets out to be unproductive. Sure, we all have those days where a few drinks the night before leads to a less than stellar day at our desk, or a day off is begging to be spent curled up on the sofa in front of Netflix. But if you’ve noticed a drop in your productivity levels that threatens to encroach on more than the odd day here and there, it’s time to take a look at where you’re going wrong.

Make meetings productive with

When run effectively and with an objective in mind, company, departmental, managerial or even one-on-one meetings can result in big ideas, great change, and heightened productivity for your team of employees. On the other hand, if your meeting room is constantly booked up with people shooting the breeze, arguing over procedures, or simply rambling on without direction, you are wasting time and money.