Tweak your mindset to achieve success on the cloud

The cloud is not like some magic beans that’ll sprout sky-high stalks overnight and lead you to a castle full of riches. Don’t be misled by shiny words such as “increased productivity” and “collaboration” — your organization won’t realize these benefits unless everyone actually puts in the work to make the cloud work. If you want to use the cloud successfully, you might have to change your mind about a thing or two before you migrate to the cloud.

What Office Delve does for Office 365 users

Microsoft Office 365 is constantly gaining popularity with small- to medium-sized businesses (SMBs). This means the amount of data created by Office 365 is growing, posing some challenges in tracking connections and information. This is where the Office Delve feature comes in handy.

Improve your PowerPoint skills with these tips

Do you find it difficult to keep your audience’s attention whenever you do a PowerPoint presentation? You’re in luck, because we have some of the best tricks of the trade to share with you.

Start slideshows instantly
The audience doesn’t want to see the speaker’s cluttered desktop or unread emails as the PowerPoint presentation is being set up.

Choose the best Office 365 plan

Collaboration, file sharing, and data management are made easier with Office 365. You can use its apps anytime, anywhere, and on any device, but do you really need all the features of the fully fledged subscription plan, or is a smaller package a better fit for your business? We’ve provided a list of the different features of each O365 plan to help you make the right choice.

Make the most out of your O365 subscription

Even if the subscription model is making more companies look like slow money drains, subscribing to Microsoft’s cloud-based Office 365 is well worth the investment.

Office apps and the files you create with them are accessible wherever there’s an internet connection, but that is actually the bare minimum that O365 offers.